Metallica Garzetti S.r.l. whose registered office is in Via Cizzago, 16/C – 25032 Castelcovati (BS), Fiscal Code and VAT registration number 02719550986 (hereinafter, “Holder”), as data controller, according to art. 13 of the legislative Decree No 196 of 30.06.2003 (hereinafter, “Privacy Code”) and according to art. 13 of UE Regulation No 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”), inform you that your data will be processed in the following ways and for the following purposes:

1. Data processing object
The Data Controller processes personal data, such as name, surname, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, bank and payment details) – hereinafter, “personal data” or also “data” that you have reported on the conclusion of contracts about the services of the owner.

2. Data processing goal
Your personal data is processed:

A) Without your express consent (art. 24 letter a), b), c) Privacy Code and art. 6 letter b), e) GDPR), for the following service purposes:
– Concluding contracts for the owner’s services;
– Managing general information requests and/or quotations made throughout the website;
– Fulfilling pre-contractual, contractual and fiscal obligations resulting from the outstanding relationships with you;
– Fulfilling obligations required by law, by a regulation, by the Community legislation or by order of the Authority (for example, concerning anti-money laundering);
– Exercising the owner’s rights, such as the right of defence in a court;

B) Only your prior, specific and distinct consent (art. 23 and 130 of the Privacy Code and art. 7 of the GDPR), for the following Marketing Purposes:
– Sending by e-mail, mail and/or text messages and/or telephone contacts, newsletters, commercial communications and/or advertising material about products or services offered by the owner and detection of satisfaction on the quality of services;
– Sending by e-mail, mail and/or text messages and/or telephone contacts, third parties commercial and/or promotional communications.

Please note that if you are already our customer, we may send you commercial communications referring to services and products of the owner, which are similar to those you have already used, unless your express your disagreement (art. 130c. 4 Privacy Code).

3. Way of processing data
The processing of your personal data is carried out throughout operations according to art. 4 of the Privacy Code and to art. 4 No 2 of the GDPR and more precisely: collection, registration, organization, conservation, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, utilization, interconnection, block, communication, deletion and destruction of data. Your personal data are submitted to both paper and electronic or computerized processing. The Data Controller will process your personal data for the time needed to fulfil the purposes previously described and, in any case, for no more than 10 years after the end of the Service Finality relationship and no later than 2 years after the data collection for Marketing Purposes.

4. Access to the data
Your data will be available for the following purposes described in art. 2.A) and 2.B):
– To employees and collaborators of the owner operating abroad, as people in charge and/or processing internal managers and/or system administrators;
– To third-party companies or subjects (as an indication, credit institutions, professional firms, consultants, insurance companies for the provision of insurance services, etc.) who carry out outsourcing activities on behalf of the owner, as external data controllers.

5. Data communication
Without an express consent requirement (former art. 24 letter a), b), d) Privacy Code and art. 6 letter b) and c) GDPR), the Data Controller may communicate your data for the purposes referred to in art. 2.A) to Supervisory Bodies, Judicial Authorities, as well as to all those subjects to whom the communication is mandatory by law for the accomplishment of said purposes. These subjects will process the data as independent data controllers.
Your information will not be disseminated.

6. Data transfer
Personal data are stored on servers located inside the European Union. In any case, it is understood that the Data Controller, if it is necessary, will have the right to move the servers even outside the EU. In this case, the Data Controller ensures that the transfer of non-EU data will take place according to applicable legal provisions, after having stipulate standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission.

7. Nature of data providing and consequences of refusing to answer
The data provided for the purposes referred to in art. 2.A) is mandatory. In their absence, we can not ensure you the services explained in art. 2.A). The data provided for the purposes referred to in art. 2.B) is optional. Therefore, you can decide if refusing to give any data or subsequently denying the possibility of processing data which have been already provided: in this case, you will not be able to receive newsletters, commercial communications and advertising material about the Services offered by the Data Controller. However, you will continue to be entitled to the Services referred to in art. 2.A).

8. Data subject’s rights
As a subject, you have the rights set forth in art. 7 of the Privacy Code and in art. 15 of GDPR and
precisely the rights of:
i. Obtaining the confirmation whether your personal data exist or not, even though they haven’t been registered yet and they have been communicated in an intelligible form.
ii. Having indications a) about your personal data’s source; b) about purposes and modalities of the processing; c) about the approach used in case of processing with electronical devices; d) about the identification details of the owner, of managers and of the representative person designated by art. 5, paragraph 2 of the Privacy Code and by art. 3, paragraph 1 of the GDPR; e) about subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can become aware about them as representative recognized by the territory of the State, managers or agents;
iii. Having: a) updating, rectification and, when you are interested in, integration of data; b) cancellation, anonymously transformation and blockage of the data processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; c) the attestation that the operations expressed in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, unless in the case of
the fulfilment is impossible or involves a use of means disproportionate to the protected right;
iv. Being completely or partially opposed a) to the personal data processing which concerns you and which are related to the collect purpose; b) to the personal data processing which concerns you for sending advertising or direct selling material or for carrying out market or commercial communication researches, using automated calling systems without the intervention of an operator throughout emails and/or throughout traditional marketing manners and/or throughout paper mail. Please, notice that the opposition right of the interested party, set out in point b) above, for direct marketing purposes in automated ways is extended to traditional ones and that in any case the possibility for a subject to exercise his right to object remains, even only partially. Therefore, the interested party could decide to receive only the communications send throughout traditional modalities,
which means only the atomized communications or neither of those. Where can be applied, the interested party can benefit also from the rights set out in art. 16-21 of GDPR, such as rectification rights, processing limitation rights, data portability rights, objection rights, the right to be forgotten as well as the right of complaining to the
Competition Authority.

9. Part reserved for children
Without prior consent given by the parents or by the guardians, nobody under 18 may send information to this website. They also may not require material or conclude commercial agreements throughout this website without their parents’ consent unless it is allowed by the rule in force.

10. Modality for the exercise of rights
You can exercise your rights at any time by sending:
– A registered mail to Metallica Garzetti S.r.l. – registered offices and headquarters in Via Cizzago, 16/C – 25030 Castelcovati (BS)
– An e-mail to:

11. Owner, managers and representatives
The data processing owner is Metallica Garzetti S.r.l., whose registered office is in Via Cizzago 16/C
– 25032 Castelcovati (BS), Fiscal Code and VAT registration number 02719550986.
The updated list of managers and representatives for the data processing is kept in the firm registered office.
